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Moving Guide
How To Reduce The Stress Of Moving House Creating The Ideal Moving Day Essentials Bag
Planning Your Moving Strategy Preparing And Disconnecting Appliances
How To De-Clutter Before You Move Maintaining Security During Your Move
De-Cluttering Your Home Before Moving - 5 Essential Tips How To Deal With Moving Day Problems
7 Easy Shortcuts For Packing And Moving Home Create A Floor Plan
Labelling Boxes For Your Move How To Secure Your New Home


Moving Guide
It is a great idea to create a move calendar with reminders of what to pack day by day leading up to your move day. Also start a house inventory checklist this can be used for categorising, numbering and organising boxes, this will help you sort your items out much more efficiently
One of the big reasons why moving home is so inherently stressful is all the different elements that go into it. With so many important elements shifting around, even if just one thing goes wrong, it can be a big inconvenience. Think about what needs to be done, and when, and pick the right company.
That’s why planning properly and having contingencies for any of the obvious things going wrong is crucial. If you’ve got a couple of checklists, all the right numbers in your phone, and you know the layout of the day properly, if there are any issues it’s going to reduce any stress.

How to Reduce the Stress of Moving House
Whichever way you look at it, moving house will always rank right up there with the most stressful events and processes in life. There’s really no upheaval quite like it – the logistics of taking everything you own and transplanting it into another property are simply mind blowing. Indeed, residential removals can be testing to say the least, but it doesn’t have to be this way… There are various ways and means by which the stress and complication of the move can be brought down to absolute minimums.
Sourced from our day-to-day experience delivering our professional service to a range of customers, here’s a quick overview of just a few tips for reducing the stress of moving house:
1)Plan Ahead
There’s really nothing more important when it comes to moving house than forward planning. No matter how you think things are going to go, it never quite pans out as planned which means the more time you have, the better.
Never forget that whichever way you choose to go about the move, there will be certain unavoidable costs. The very last thing you want to do is find yourself in a position where cash reserves are depleted halfway through the process, so be sure to budget wisely.
If possible, try to avoid setting concrete deadlines and don’t be tempted to script something of a moving plan you have to follow to the letter. The reason being that it will be necessary at various points along the way to change your plans and make allowances for the unexpected, meaning a good degree of flexibility is essential.
Don’t think for one moment that you will be able to keep a mental record of everything you need to do, everything you have done and of course, everything you have forgotten to do. The single most valuable weapon in your arsenal will be your comprehensive moving checklist which should be followed and referred to every step of the way.
5)Hire the Pros
Last up, perhaps the single most effective strategy of all when it comes to reducing the stress of moving house is to bring in the professionals to offer a helping hand. What’s more, when you factor in the costs of everything you would need to go about the move manually, it can work out more cost effective to bring in a professional removals team and have them lighten the load and speed up the process exponentially.

Planning Your Moving Strategy
Do you want to know a secret about moving home?
It doesn’t have to be stressful or lots of hassle! If you have had an experience like this around a house move, then rest assured that there is one easy way to avoid it in the future – plan out a moving strategy in advance.
Taking the time to plan your moving strategy before the big day will enable you to enjoy the moving experience and make it go smoothly. If you follow the simple tips below, you will move house like a pro and be ready to enjoy your new property at the end of the move.
Get planning early
Most people will have at least a month or two’s notice of any planned move. This is plenty of time to get organised and get your strategy in place. This is the best tip we can give but is sadly one that most people forget about! The first thing to do is get your pen or electronic device out to start making some checklists.
These checklists are vital to making sure you have done all you need to, and nothing is forgotten during the moving process. They will help you make sure all the objects you want to move are accounted for and all the jobs you need to do beforehand are gradually checked off. Tick the different items on your checklists off as you do them, so you know exactly where you are up to.
To pre-pack or not to pre-pack? That is the question
When drawing your checklists up, it is wise to have a different one for each room in your home. Split each of these checklists into sections for items that can be pre-packed anytime or need to be done on the day of the move itself. Check these lists regularly and finally when you leave your old house to make sure everything on them is done.
Let the removal people know the plan
Communicate your plan with your removal company, this should be done on your initial pre-move survey consultation. Our move surveyor will add this to their notes on your move which will be passed on to your move co-ordinator and your move team who will arrive fully informed on your move day.
The move surveyor may also be able to tweak your plan by advising on any elements that you may not have considered. Keeping your move on track and running as efficiently as possible.
Having been notified of any specific requirements and plan in their notes by your move co-ordinator, the move team will carry out a room to room walk through with yourself to go over the move process and discuss how specific requirements will be carried out. This is to make sure that everyone is informed and on the same page.
If you are packing items yourself, make sure you set realistic time frames to carry this out. Factor in break times and stick to them! This will help to keep energy levels and moral up, making it less of a daunting task and helping you stay on track.
Getting a strategy in place is vital
Making sure you have a pre-planned moving strategy that everyone involved is aware of is essential. It will not only make the move easier but ensure the transition to the new home is seamless.
How To De-Clutter Before You Move
Lots of people like to get everything moved into their new home, get settled in and then start sorting through everything to decide what they need. If you think about it, this doesn’t make any sense! You’d be paying to have a lot of stuff moved, perhaps across the country, only to get rid of it anyway. You should also have much better things to do, like enjoying your brand-new home!
When you’re still in your old house and starting the move process, is the ideal time for you to think about what you simply don’t need any more. You’ll probably save yourself a lot of stress if you have a more streamlined collection of possessions to move and store.
Here are some tips for getting through this process efficiently…
1) Get started in time so you’re ready for your moving date. If it helps, set yourself a deadline to be completely organised by. Make an initial plan and start taking stock of what you own as soon as possible, depending on how much stuff you plan on sorting through.
2) Start in one room and don’t get distracted by flitting between parts of your home. This will most likely waste a lot of time. Complete one part of the task and move on.
3) Papers should go first as these are an annoyance in most homes. It’s easy to accumulate letters, leaflets and documents just lying around in disorganised piles. Tackle these first to throw out anything useless and file the rest properly.
4) Separate other items into different categories based on whether they’re broken, redundant, or simply not that useful except in rare situations. If you’ve planned ahead of time, hide them away for a few weeks to check if you miss any of them.
5) Decide what needs to go and throw it out, sell it or give it away. If you need to replace one or two of those items at some point later in life, it shouldn’t be a problem, so don’t get too worried.
Once this process is done, you can decide how happy you are with what remains. If you’re still feeling like you have a lot of clutter you’d rather not have around, just keep repeating the process until you’re satisfied.

De-Cluttering Your Home Before Moving – 5 Essential Tips
Moving home can be a tricky process, but nonetheless it represents the most fantastic opportunity to undergo a comprehensive decluttering of the whole place.
Chances are it’s something you won’t have done for quite some time and you’re unlikely to have the same opportunity again anytime soon – so why not make the most of it?
There are so many things professional moving services can do to help with the big move but going through your property and deciding what to keep on the other hand all comes down to you. So, with a smooth and simple move in mind, here is a quick look at five essential tips for decluttering your home before moving:
1) First and foremost, it’s crucial to acknowledge the fact that what is being suggested here is decluttering before the move – not after or during. There’s really no point whatsoever in taking a ton of stuff to the new property that’s destined to be thrown out, sold or given away – it’s just more unnecessary work for you.
2) If necessary, the storage services of the very best removal services can be invaluable in giving you somewhere to store things temporarily while you decide what to do with them. If for example you plan on selling or donating any of your property at a later date, it’s good to have an out-of-the-way place to store it in the meantime.
3) Make a list and determine what bits and pieces you need, which you have use for and which you haven’t touched or set eyes on for years. All of those in the third category really need to go.
4) Be sure to start as far in advance of the move as possible as chances are it will take you considerably longer than you expect to get the job done. This is no overnight job and nor is it a job you should be thinking about tackling single-handedly – call in as much help as necessary.
5) Under no circumstances think of abandoning what you started until it is 100% complete and you are happy with the outcome. As already mentioned, even if it’s a pain in the proverbial, it’s more than worth investing your time and effort in getting the job done now rather than creating more work for yourself and having to do it at a later date anyway.

7 Easy Shortcuts For Packing & Moving Home
Getting ready for a major move can seem like a never-ending list of tasks to be done, and at some point, you’ll probably feel like you’ll never be ready in time for the big day. It may be true that you won’t get everything done that you wanted to, but that’s why the importance of having a sensible and realistic plan from the outset can’t be underestimated.
To help you with that, we have seven crucial tips to help prepare your home for packing. Complete this simple list, and you’ll find the entire process becomes much easier very quickly.
1) Throw away what you don’t need
A common mistake people make is organising everything first, then throwing things out. This isn’t the most efficient use of time because you’re sorting things only to get rid of them. Start by disposing of anything you obviously won’t miss, and you’ll free up a surprising amount of space.
2) Organise the rest
Once the only things you have left are the things you want to keep, then it’s time to get more organised. Come up with storage systems that will help you easily move or find items when you need to. Every item should have a home.
3) Create an inventory
As you go along, make a list of everything you own and keep it up to date. Note down where everything is, and if possible, include a unique identifier for each item. You might find it useful to document all of this on video to help you find things later.
4) Keep cleaning as you go along
Eventually you will need to leave your property in at least a reasonably clean state, whether you are giving it back to the landlord or selling it yourself to a new buyer. Cleaning all in one go will be difficult and might never happen, but if you clean as you go it will make the whole process more rewarding and streamlined.
5) Put important documents together
Everyone tends to end up with stacks of papers in a few places, usually with important things mixed in with other letters and so on. Make sure you sort these out into different files according to subject matter and priority so you can easily find things later.
6) Start collecting packing supplies
There’s no need to pay for all of your packaging materials when you can reuse things you get for free. Save any large boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper and other handy materials when you come across them so you can make a head start and save some money.
7) Book your removal company early
A final recommendation from us: make sure you place your booking as soon as possible to ensure that your chosen removal company has availability for your estimated move date. Fridays and the last week of the month are generally the busiest periods for moving companies, so make sure you book as early as possible if you are looking at these days. That said, booking early for any required day (usually a minimum of 4 weeks prior to your move) will save you having to settle for your 2nd choice removal company.

Labelling Boxes For Your Move
As one of the leading moving service providers, our customers often ask us for advice on how best to label their moving boxes. Here are some of the best ways to take the stress out of packing:
Don’t rush
Allow ample time to pack in the run up to your move so you can do the job in stages. For those who are not accustomed to doing it daily, packing up a household’s worth of possessions can be a laborious and daunting task, but we promise you, it will be worth it when it comes time to the unpack in your new home.
Top and two sides
Whatever way you choose to label your boxes, it’s only going to work if you can see your labelling. Take the time to mark your boxes on Two opposite sides and the lids as well. This means that you’ll be able to tell which box is which, no matter which way they are stacked.
Make an inventory
Number every box and make a list of everything you’re putting in as you do so. Sure, it’s a long-winded process, but preferable to rooting through half a dozen boxes when you’re looking for a specific item.
Fragile items
All fragile items should be clearly marked as such. Not only will the removals team take extra care, but so will you when you’re rearranging boxes in your new house to make room. Ask your removal company if they can provide you with fragile tape, this will make it clear for everyone to see.
Remember the essentials
Keep in mind that you may not unpack everything on the day you move, with that in mind keeping a few key things set aside will come in handy. The night before you move take the opportunity to pack a bag with your essentials. Things like a change of clothes/pyjamas, tooth paste and tooth brushes, any medication (even a pack of plasters and some paracetamol may come in handy just in case), essential paperwork and your children's favourite stuffed animals/toys. These are just a few ideas and may save you searching through boxes at the end of a long day.
One box should be labelled “PRIORITY” and should be filled with the absolute essentials you’ll need for the initial period in your new home. Similar to your priority bag but this will contain your essential household items for at least the first 24 hours We’re talking a few plates, cups and pieces of cutlery, as well as a kettle and some tea bags; you should also put any screws from disassembled items such as beds, tables etc in your priority box.
Top Tip: Put screws in a Ziploc type bag and clearly label using a marker for each item that is disassembled.

Creating The Ideal Moving Day Essentials Bag
Once you’ve got the right residential removals company in, and you’ve planned everything else to a tee, there’s one last thing to do, create a moving day essentials bag. When it comes to moving home, the majority of the items and furniture that we own are packed away safely, ready for transport to the new house.
The problem with this is that it means if you need anything, you’re going to struggle to find the right box it’s packed away in, and you could end up spending money unnecessarily replacing things you have packed but need right away. That’s where the essentials bag comes into play. Filled with all the necessary items to help you settle into your new property, an essentials bag can make settling into your new home hassle free. Here’s what yours might need.
Snacks and Drink
Moving house can be labour-intensive, tiring, and thirsty work. Long days, and few chances to stop and eat properly. That’s why you need to be packing healthy, energy-focused snacks, like nuts, breakfast bars and fruit. Maybe even some chocolate to pep you up during the day
In terms of drinks, make sure you take plenty of bottled water, as well as instant coffee and tea, if you’re going to need a midday pick-me-up. A picnic can be a great idea, if you’ve got the time to put it together.
Important Documents and ID
Any important documentation or ID you really want to avoid losing, store in your essentials bag. You never know when you could need it, so it’ll be potentially useful to have it to hand. Plus, these things are expensive to replace, and that’s an additional cost no-one needs when moving.
While you might not be needing a full-size toolkit, you could find yourself in need of a flashlight and a small portable tool set. Imagine if the power goes down, or you need to perform some small impromptu repairs in the new home, you don’t want to have to call someone out for something you could easily handle yourself, if only you had your tools
A mobile phone charger can also come in handy; no one wants to be caught with a dead phone on the big stressful moving day.
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, shower gel, flannels. Whatever you and your family need to get yourselves sorted for bed when you arrive at the new property, get it packed away. There’s no point stressing out trying to find essentials, or doing a shop run on such a busy day.
After a long sweaty day of moving, shifting boxes around and generally feeling out of sorts, you’re all going to want to get into some fresh clothes as soon as possible. Make sure you pack a full change of clothes and a set of pyjamas for everyone, that’ll help you all feel a little more settled.
I’m Sure you don’t need to be told but just a small remind to keep any important medication with you. Again, the best way to do this with so much happening at once is to pack it in your priority bag. A first aid kit or failing this a box of plasters and some paracetamol may also come in handy for the just in case scenarios.
Stuffed animals and soft toys
Anyone with young children will know that it is near impossible to get them to go to sleep without their favourite teddy. If you have young children make sure this is at the top of your list to go in the priority bag. Make sure that the kids can have a relaxing and settled first night in their new home, at the same time ensure that yours isn’t a long sleep deprived one.

Preparing And Disconnecting Appliances
Make sure all appliances are empty, clean and, in the case of water-bearing items, thoroughly dried. Disconnection can take some time, so don’t wait until the day of the move. This is especially true of freezers and refrigerators (see below).
Washing machines
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to settle the drum to prevent swaying and tipping in transit (often a set of long screws that secure it). Disconnect all hoses and allow them to drain out into a bucket, before wrapping in an old towel and storing inside the washer.
Tumble dryers
Apart from unplugging the dryer safely, make sure that you empty out the lint drawer before transporting to your new home.
Leave the dishwasher door open for a day or two before the move, to prevent any moisture from condensation being trapped inside. Follow our guidance on washing machines for disconnecting and storing the hoses.
Remove any detachable parts, label them, and pack securely in a well-marked box. If you have a gas cooker, it must be disconnected by a certified gas technician and, when you arrive at your new house, you will also have to arrange for one to install it.
Refrigerators and freezers
Defrost overnight before cleaning and drying. Plan ahead regarding perishable items, so as little as possible goes to waste. Remove any shelving and tape together, wrapping them whole in paper or bubble wrap.
Top Tip: Place 3-4 fresh teabags inside appliances that are prone to moisture such as your washing machine, dishwasher and fridge-freezer. This will absorb any remaining moisture and remove unwanted odours.

Maintaining Security During Your Move
As the premier providers of residential removals in London and the surrounding counties, we understand that moving house is a trying experience. When you start to worry about the security of your private belongings, it adds a layer of unwanted stress to an already difficult day.
Try these simple tips on the big day, to keep your important items safe and sound.
Keep hold of what you can’t do without
Certain items are essential: personal pieces of jewellery, private documents, passports, bank details and so on. Always keep these with you, an easy way to do this is to place them in your essentials bag. Don’t entrust them to being stored in one of the regular boxes, in case they should go missing.
Label your boxes by room, rather than contents
A box on the driveway labelled ‘electronics’ or ‘fine china’ can be a tempting proposition for an opportunistic thief – a box labelled ‘living room’ or dining room, is somewhat less so. Nobody needs to know what’s in your packing boxes apart from you, so mark them by room, and keep a numbered inventory list elsewhere.
Know who’s supposed to be there
Always be aware of who is in your house. If you hire a removal company, make sure you know how many are on the team. If the gas man is detaching your cooker, check his ID. With people in and out of both properties all day, you need to be able to recognise who is there for a reason, and who isn’t.

How To Deal With Moving Day Problems
There is nothing as exciting as the approach to your moving day. The thought of finally getting into your new property is thrilling, especially as the day draws closer. In the rush of getting ready to settle into your new home, remember that there are a few key things that will make the move go so much easier.
There is no doubt that taking the time to properly plan your move is essential. From making an inventory of your possessions to carefully packing everything up securely, there are lots of ways you can help make the process as stress-free as possible.
As with everything in life though, sometimes problems can arrive on the day itself which you had not expected. If this does happen to you, the important point is to remain calm. By working with your removals company, you can find a way around most issues and ensure your move goes ahead as planned.
Here are a few tips to prepare or completely avoid these pitfalls:
Adequate parking
In simple terms, this essential point will make everything go much quicker and easier. You should aim to reserve parking spaces for the removal vans as close to both properties as is possible. This will naturally make the process of loading and unloading faster as well as easier on your removal people. If you don’t, then you risk the move going on longer than expected and costing you more.
Remove objects from furniture
If you are packing items yourself, make sure that all furniture cupboards and draws have been emptied. The contents should be securely packed into boxes and labelled. Don’t make the mistake of thinking they will be ok, only for the cupboard door to open mid-move and it all comes crashing out onto the pavement!
In addition, it is generally advised to clear all items out of your furniture before the move. This is because most furniture is not designed to be moved with items inside and could end up being damaged if you do so. Very light items such as pillows and cushions may be ok but it is usually a good idea to move furniture when empty.
Label all your boxes
One key point that most people will have a handle on is packing all your possessions up safely in sturdy boxes. In the excitement or rush! of getting ready to move, you may forget to clearly mark what is in each box and which room it is for on the box itself. It is a really good idea to do this as it will make the moving team’s job much easier and yours also if you are doing the unpacking.
Make an inventory
One superb tip for moving is to make a full inventory of what is being moved. This will allow you to cross-check what is in your new home when you unpack so you can make sure it has all arrived. It will also assist you pre-move in making sure you have remembered everything you are wanting to take with you and help get rid of any bits of clutter that can be disposed of.
Bad weather
As we all know, the weather can be unpredictable at times which can put a real spanner in the works on any given day, never mind something as important as moving day. It isn’t always traditional ‘bad’ weather that can cause problems though – all extremes can make moving difficult or dangerous. Very hot weather, for example, could risk your removal people getting heat-stroke or any temperature sensitive possessions becoming damaged. Very cold weather could lead to snow or ice which is naturally a health risk in terms of potential falls for all involved.
By far the best tip in this area is to be prepared! Keep a close eye on the weather forecast in the days up to your move and speak with your removals company if you are worried about any extreme weather. The best option could be to postpone to a more sensible time, or you can put in place precautions if you do decide to go ahead.
Bad removals company
One of the other major problems you could face on moving day is bad or rogue removals companies. Bad removals companies may be honest enough but lack the experience to complete the job to the expected standard. Rogue movers are even worse. They will take your deposit money but then never be seen again, leaving you out of pocket and with no-one to move your belongings. The best answer here is to research the removals company you plan to use. Be wise in your decision, choose one that you feel can be trusted.
At Trimoves Relocations we are not only confident in the high standard of our service delivery, but we also back that confidence with our full money back service guarantee. There is no other removal company that we know of who is that confident in providing you with an outstanding service.

Create A Floor Plan
A great tip to save time and extra handling is to create a room plan for where your furniture will be positioned. Draw a plan for each room, think about the available space and the size of your furniture. Where possible take measurements of your furniture, this will provide you with a more accurate picture of what will fit where according to each room’s dimensions.
If you have items that will need to be placed into fitted spaces e.g. washing machine, dryer, fridge-freezer etc. Ask your agent to provide you with measurements for those spaces, unless you have access to take the measurements yourself.
Provide your moving team with the floor plan on moving day. This will ensure your furniture is positioned exactly where you want it and will save you moving furniture around multiple times.
How to Secure Your New Home
Whether it’s finding the right removal company, learning how to pack fragile items or ensuring that your new home is secure, there are many things to think about during a move to a new property.
At Trimoves Relocations, we believe that one of your top priorities when moving property should be creating a safe environment to live in. These are a few simple steps to protect your new home against intruders and boost your residential security.
Befriend Your Neighbours
Having neighbours who are in during the day will help to make your home a higher risk to break into. Your neighbours will know the area better than you and might keep a watch over your property while you are away. It is important that you make an effort to be friendly and get to know your neighbours, a good neighbour will take action if they see anything suspicious happening in the surrounding area of your new home.
Assess Potential Points of Entry for Intruders
Before moving into your new house, you should evaluate how easy it is for a burglar to enter your home. We recommend placing plants in your garden and near windows to make it more difficult for unwanted guests to get into your property. Be careful your plants aren’t too big as these could also provide the ideal hiding place for intruders. Do not put any valuable household items on show and do not leave packaging from any newly purchased items lying around. We advise that you dispose of packaging as soon as possible and keep it out of sight. Adding lighting to your property is another method of preventing intruders from attempting to enter your house. Security lights often come with motion sensors which will alert you if anyone is near your property.
Install a Security System
A security system can also keep your new home secure; it can protect valuables, discourage burglars, and allows remote monitoring of your property. You should consider whether your security system includes an alarm, motion sensors, and carbon monoxide detector but make sure you decide on a system that suits your requirements and will protect family members from the intrusion of burglars.
Secure Your Windows and Doors
Remember to lock your windows and doors when you are not in your new property. These are two easy ways burglars can gain access to your home. The design of a window is sometimes weak and fragile, and these are also one of the most common entry points for intruders. The use of locks and shatter-proof glass can help to make your windows more secure. You might not think that a front door would be an obvious method of entrance for an intruder, but it is worth checking how strong the frame is. If your front door does not already have a deadlock or peephole, we suggest you get one installed in your new home straight away.
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